Homework Club: Grades 3-8

from $435.00

Monday through Thursdays, 3:30PM-4:45 PM; January 8th - June 12th

(No club available on January 15th & 16th, February 19th-23rd, March 7th, 11th, 21st & 28th, April 1st-5th and May 23rd, 27th & 28th)

Location: Skills Collaborative Room

Cost: $435 for (1) day per week, $865 for (2) days per week, $1,730 for (3) days per week, $2,310 for (4) days per week

Minimum Participants: 4

Maximum Participants: 12

Open to registered Soundview students in Grades 3-8

Homework Club provides a quiet work environment and supervised homework support for students in grades 3rd-8th. Students will have a short outdoor break and an opportunity to eat snack a after the school day ends before beginning homework, with quiet work time taking place between 3:45 and 4:45. The program runs Monday through Thursday but can be prorated for students who plan to attend fewer than four days a week.

**Specified days needed for Homework Club to be selected during the checkout process**

**Under quantity please indicate how many students**

Days per Week:
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